Jul 21, 2017
Suddenly the Spirit calls Philip away to make contact with an Ethiopian official who is returning to his homeland after traveling to Jerusalem to worship. As Philip comes upon him, the eunuch is reading from the prophet Isaiah’s passage about the suffering servant of Israel. Philip is invited to join the eunuch in...
Jul 21, 2017
Philip, one of the seven chosen to "serve tables” as was Stephen, heads north to Samaria and encounters a popular magician named Simon for whom the people in Samaria had high regard. Simon hears the message of Jesus from Philip and is baptized. The Jerusalem Church, hearing of the events in Samaria, send Peter...
Jul 21, 2017
After the death of Stephen prosecution breaks out against the fledgling church. Stephen is buried, and Saul goes house to house throwing men and women into prison. While the Twelve apostles remain in Jerusalem, many Christians are scattered about, preaching the Word all the while. Some go to Judea and Samaria, and...
Jul 21, 2017
After Stephen’s reply to the Sanhedrin and after the blasphemy trial is complete, an enraged council takes him out of the city to be stoned to death. Stephen is “filled with the Holy Spirit” and reports that he sees Jesus standing in heaven and refers to Jesus as the “Son of Man,” a Messianic title. Stephen...