Sep 25, 2018
A man came to Jesus and asked Him to tell his brother to divide an inheritance with him. Jesus then tells the parable about covetousness. A farmer whose abundant harvest needed more storage room. He built it and said to himself, “Eat, drink, and be merry,” thinking his life was now one of leisure and good times....
Sep 25, 2018
A lawyer wanting to put Jesus to the test, asks Him how he might attain eternal life. Jesus advises him to keep the two great commandments, to love God and one’s neighbor. But the lawyer, seeking to justify himself, asks, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus then tells the story of a man who is robbed, beaten, and left to...
Sep 25, 2018
One talent was worth 20 years’ labor, thus an emphasis on a very large amount a king, or master, entrusted to three people. One given 5, another 3, and still another 1. The first two doubled the money, while the third buried the talent out of fear, since he figured the master was a hard and difficult person. To the...
Sep 24, 2018
The parable has to do with the Return of Jesus and being ready for that event. The setting is a typical Jewish wedding in Israel during the first century A.D. The bridegroom comes at an unknown hour to gather up his bride. (In Scripture, Jesus is seen as the Bridegroom and the Church is figured as the Bride of Christ.)...