Oct 21, 2019
On the last day of Feast, when water drawn from the Pool of Siloam is collected, poured into a funnel, and emptied at the foot of the altar of burnt offering, Jesus declares that out of person who believes in Him will flow rivers of living water. Now the people are further confused about Jesus. Meanwhile, the...
Oct 11, 2019
At the middle of the Feast, Jesus goes alone to the Temple and begins to teach. The religious authorities say He must have two witnesses when Jesus declares that God is His Father. Jesus accuses the leaders of breaking the Law of Moses by seeking to kill Him. They say Jesus has a demon. Jesus points out that the leaders...
Oct 9, 2019
The last of the Fall Feasts is Booths or Tabernacles, celebrating God’s providing for Israel while in the wilderness following the exodus from Egypt. Jesus’ brothers—James, Jude, Joseph, and Simon—not cousins, but children of Joseph and Mary, urged Jesus to go to Jerusalem for Booths and declare Himself. Jesus...
Oct 9, 2019
Jesus said that unless one eats the flesh of the Son of Man and drinks His blood no life will be in him or her. The hearers complained it was a “hard saying,” but Jesus urges them not to take offense, that they will believe when they witness His ascension, thus proving His resurrection. And if they walk away from...