Aug 26, 2020
The evening of the resurrection, Jesus suddenly appears to the disciples; Thomas is not there, but Luke tells us others are also present. He announces: “Peace be with you.” He then displayed His wounds, hands and side, to His followers so that they know it is really Him and that He is right there present. Thomas is...
Aug 26, 2020
John mentions only Mary Magdalen coming to the tomb where Jesus is buried, early on Sunday morning, but the other Gospel writers mention other women are also present. Mary, upon finding that the large stone covering the tomb was not in place, runs to tell Peter and John what had happened and supposes that thieves had...
Aug 11, 2020
Try as we may to wiggle out of culpability, we have to acknowledge that Jesus was actually raising the bar for his disciples. Not just murder, but anger; not just adultery, but lust; not just avoidance, but taking away anything that causes anger or lust.
All of us, whether believers or not, go astray—sin—and...
Aug 11, 2020
John, our Gospel writer, an apostle, describes the death of Jesus. He is present at the crucifixion and is with a small group of women that includes Jesus’ mother, Mary. Due to the coming of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the bodies of the two criminals, and Jesus’ cannot be left out with sunset coming, which marks...
Aug 4, 2020
Jesus is now being lead to the site of execution, a place called Golgotha. Though not stated by John, it is just before this is when Jesus is scourged, such a harsh beating that many died on the spot. Jesus was crucified with a criminal on each side of Him. Pilate had prepared an inscription reading in three languages,...