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Kent Philpott's Bible Study Sermons

Aug 30, 2017

In Caesarea, a Gentile but God-fearing Roman centurion named Cornelius has a vision in which he is told to send for Peter who is staying in Joppa. As he prays before the noon meal, Peter also has a vision, the substance of which is God saying to him that no animal is unclean, much after the fashion of what Jesus taught...

Aug 30, 2017

Peter, continuing his work, travels to Lydda, which is NW of Jerusalem on the road to Joppa. There he encounters a paralyzed man, Aeneas, to whom he announces that Jesus Christ has healed him. Many are converted as the news about the healing spreads. A dear saint named Dorcas dies at Lydda, and her friends send for...

Aug 30, 2017

Saul, still Saul and not Paul, boldly preaches Jesus as the Son of God in the synagogues in Damascus, shocking everyone, since he was widely known to be a persecutor of those who believed in Jesus. Many are stirred to anger towards Saul and he escapes the city with the help of “his disciples.” He attempts to join...

Aug 30, 2017

Paul, in his mad rush to crush those who believe in Jesus as Son of God and Messiah, goes to the high priest of Israel and receives warrant to extradite followers of Jesus in Damascus back to Jerusalem to place them in prison. On the road to that city, Jesus appears to him in a most dramatic manner. Paul asks, “Who...