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Kent Philpott's Bible Study Sermons

Dec 21, 2018

Where did we get the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures? Philpott walks us through the books of both the "old" and "new" testaments. And, according to 2 Timothy 3, the words are God-breathed or inspired.

Dec 21, 2018

From Paul in Philippians 2:5–11, we see that Jesus emptied himself and became man. How is a mystery, but God came to be with us—"Emmanuel" and the why was to reconcile us to God.

Nov 28, 2018

Our passage is John 1:1—Now that it is plain that God the Son became fully human, did He retain deity? The biblical material, and again both from the Hebrew and Greek Bibles, shows that Jesus is fully God as well as fully man. A seeming absolute contradiction, yet this is clearly the evidence from Scripture.

Kent Philpott's Bible Study: Biblical Paradoxes #1, Part 1

Nov 28, 2018

Passage: John 1:14—

The core biblical paradox has to do with Jesus; who is He? Is He God? Is He man only? Could Jesus be both God and man at once? The answer is that indeed He is both at once, eternally, the God-man.

            In this opening sermon the case is made, based on the biblical material alone, in both...

Nov 8, 2018

Recorded live at Miller Avenue Baptist Church in Mill Valley, CA, this is another sermon rendition of the "Two Debtors" parable of Jesus. Jim Daley preaches once a month at MAC, and has a completely different style than Pastor Kent Philpott. This parable looks at the inter-related issues of love, forgiveness, and...