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Kent Philpott's Bible Study Sermons

Mar 31, 2020

In front of the Passover pilgrims Jesus cried out that whoever believed in Him actually believed in the Father who sent Him. Not only that, but whoever saw Jesus, saw the Father. Here we find the core doctrine of the Trinity, though impossible for us to fully grasp, is nevertheless the reality of who God is. Indeed,...

Mar 31, 2020

Jesus, in ear shoot of others, said that he was troubled, knowing His death was imminent, yet yields to the design and plan of His Father. He then announces that what is to follow is judgment, and even that the ruler of this world, meaning Satan, will be judged and cast out. In the same breath He says that He will be...

Mar 31, 2020

Palm Sunday, this is the day of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem for the great Passover Feast. He did so along with perhaps as many as 2.5 million others of this pilgrimage feast. Along the road from Bethany to Jerusalem, a two mile stretch, grew palm trees and these were used to celebrate the arrival of Jesus, about...

Mar 11, 2020

Some six days after Lazarus is raised from the dead by Jesus, at a dinner given for Jesus, Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, anoints Jesus’ feet. Judas complains that the perfume should have been sold and the money given to the poor. Then, after a large crowd at gathered hoping to see Jesus, the chief priests...

Mar 11, 2020

Rather than be grateful for a great friend, Lazarus, being raised to life, the religious authorities are fearful that many might look to Jesus as Messiah,  and so determine to kill Him. At an informal hearing of the Council of Israel, the high priest, Caiaphas, states that it is better for one man to die than the whole...