Jun 30, 2020
Jesus’ comforting words are spoken either in the Upper Room, or while on the way to the garden of Gesthsemane. These will be Jesus’ last words to His disciples prior to His crucifixion. Despite appearances, there will be joy—that settled, peaceful, and hopeful mindset that cannot be perverted by external...
Jun 30, 2020
This passage presents the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in perfect harmony. Jesus, knowing that He is going to the Father, in empathy for His followers, tells them it is to their advantage that He is going away, because the Holy Spirit will be sent to them. And the working of the Spirit is one of convicting...
Jun 24, 2020
The world, that is, those people who are not chosen or born again by the power of the Holy Spirit, these will and must hate both Jesus and those who follow Him. And at the same time, followers of Jesus are to bear witness to and about Jesus. The world will love its own, but since Christians are not of this world, they...
Jun 23, 2020
A “vine” has long been a symbol of the Messiah for the nation of Israel, both in the Hebrew Bible and for Judaism to this day. Vine images have appeared on Jewish coinage and also by the door of the Holy Place was a golden vine. Here now is the 7th “I Am” saying of Jesus. Jesus is the “true” vine, and the...
Jun 19, 2020
The passage begins by Jesus saying that if His disciples love Him they will keep His commandments. And in response, the Father will give them a Helper, a Counselor, an Advocate, the Paraclete. Only those in Christ can receive this Holy Spirit. Jesus also states that loving Him means keeping His commandments, chief...