Sep 27, 2017
Luke now goes back to a time after the scattering of believers following the death of Stephen, some of whom had travelled to Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch. Some of those who went to Antioch preached Jesus to Gentiles, and a great number of them believed. This event was reported to the Church in Jerusalem which then...
Sep 26, 2017
It was not long before the “apostles and brothers” in Jerusalem heard that Gentiles had received the “word of God.” Upon Peter’s return to Jerusalem the “circumcision party” criticizes him for fraternizing with Gentiles, thus provoking a defense and explanation from Peter. His focus is on the falling of...
Sep 26, 2017
Peter’s brief but succinct preaching is interrupted by the action of the Holy Spirit “fallen” upon the Gentile hearers. This amazes the Jewish contingent who had accompanied Peter from Joppa, but this was unmistakable, since this is what had been experienced in the Upper Room in Jerusalem, when the disciples began...
Sep 26, 2017
Following the vision the men sent by Cornelius arrive at Simon the Tanner’s home in Joppa. The Spirit prepares Peter to do as the men will request. The following day Peter and six others make the journey to Caesarea and find upon arrival that Cornelius has assembled a number of people. Cornelius explains to Peter how...