Feb 11, 2019
We Christians are both perfect and sinners at the same time. We are perfect in that all our sin has been “nailed to the cross” of Jesus Christ. All our sin, from day one to the last day of our lives. Gone and forever. The born anew believer in Jesus is cleansed from all sin. However, we continue to sin. And this is...
Feb 11, 2019
All the religions of the world except biblical Christianity teach that the Creator rewards those who do good deeds and think right thoughts. Biblically oriented Christianity teaches that this avails nothing but deception and cannot earn for us forgiveness of sin or salvation. Rather, good action and thought flow from...
Feb 11, 2019
The problem of evil, known to us as the “theodicy,” will never be completely understood. It is plain in Scripture that both exist side by side. God’s creation is good, but an evil presence invaded creation and brought sin and disaster to what God had made. Humans suffer, God dies to redeem us from the curse, and...
Feb 11, 2019
The “Logos” (Greek for ultimate and ageless truth and wisdom) who was and is God, became flesh and lived with humans. This Logos is Jesus, in whom “all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell.” What Jesus said and did is the exact “Word” and God’s full revelation to us. Jesus is and did what God foretold...